Good bug reports
Reporting bugs can be very difficult when you are not a developer. How do you make sure the bug can be recreated? How do you avoid the "it works on my machine" rebuttal?
Well, we can greatly improve bug reports on web apps by using some simple tools built into the browsers we use every day.
Easy Screenshots
Did you know you can take screenshots of DOM nodes right from the browser?
Handy right? Use this to easy capture a smaller area of the screen and attach that to your bug report. Easy!
Saving "console output"
Have you ever seen a blast of red in the console that states an error? You can try to explain what happened and where the error occurs. Or, you can export your console output to a log file and send it along to a developer!
The output will look something like the following:
(index):233 Uncaught Error: Oh no! Something happened
at (index):233:9
(anonymous) @ (index):233
(index):265 on localhost - not loading service worker. Query: http://localhost:1313/sw.js 2023-03-09
This will make it much easier for the developer to track down the area where the error occurred.
Save "HAR" content
The ultimate way to report an error with a network call is to use a HAR file to capture the state of the network when the file is created.
What is a HAR file?
HAR (HTTP Archive) is a file format used by several HTTP session tools to export the captured data. The format is basically a JSON object with a particular set of fields. Note that not all the fields in the HAR format are mandatory, and in many cases, some information won't be saved to the file.
You can capture a HAR file from the network tab in your devtools and then save that file to be attached to your bug report:
A HAR file is just JSON that follows the "HTTP Archive" specification that allows it to be read in various tools. Here is an example of the error above:
"log": {
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Please <a href=\"/\" title=\"Homepage\">return to the homepage</a>.</p>\n </div>\n </article>\n </div>\n</div>\n\n\n<script defer>\n \n \n'on localhost - not loading service worker. Query: http:\\/\\/localhost:1313\\/sw.js 2023-03-09');\n \n</script>\n</body>\n</html>\n\n"
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To read a HAR file that has already been exported, you can just drag it into the network panel of your devtools:
This will recreate the state of the world when the HAR file was captured.
You can also use a tool like the Google Admin Toolbox HAR Analyzer to view HAR files on a webpage:
If you want to read more about capturing HAR files, just check out this great list of steps on the IBM site - of all places.
In Summation
Hopefully these simple tips help improve your bug reports and make it easier for your team members to report them but also recreate them. Happy bug hunting!
James Doyle
I'm a full-stack developer, co-organizer of PHP Vancouver meetup, and winner of a Canadian Developer 30 under 30 award. I'm a huge Open Source advocate and contributor to a lot of projects in my community. When I am not sitting at a computer, I'm trying to perfect some other skill.