I created a huge snippet library based on the docs for node 10.26. There are 783 total right now (2014-03-25).

The way that I quickly made this big repository, was I wrote a script that would generate new sublime snippets based on a text file.

The converter just reads the text file line by line and then generates a .sublime-completions file.

There is a template that is sort of setup. So you can actually just clone the repo, drop in a new sources file, and then generate a new snippets library with the converter.

Here is an excerpt from the github repo:


Package Control

Just look for sublime-node-snippets on Package Control. It is called “Node Completions” on the site, but comes up as “sublime-node-snippets”.

Manual Install

  • Open the Commands Palette (command+shift+p)
  • Package Control: Add Repository
  • Past in this repos URL
  • Press Enter
  • Open the palette again
  • press enter on “sublime-node-snippets”
  • watch it install


Pressing . (period) will end the snippet lookup.

You will have better results if you pretend the period isn’t needed. So if you are looking for fs.readdir, you would type fsread and you would see the results coming up.

Snippet Categories

Node Populars

  • async
  • underscore
  • lodash

Node Core

  • Assert
  • Buffer
  • Child
  • Console
  • Cluster
  • Crypto
  • Decoder
  • Domain
  • Dns
  • Event
  • Http
  • Https
  • Fs
  • Global
  • Module
  • Net
  • Path
  • Punnycode
  • Process
  • Querystring
  • Readline
  • Repl
  • Timers
  • Tls Ssl
  • Tty
  • Udp
  • Util
  • Url
  • Os
  • Vm
  • Zlib

Adding New Snippets

Here is how I quickly got all these snippets.

I will use Express as an example since it isn’t in here.

First I went to the docs for the framework, and I looked to see what the code examples were wrapped in.

For the express docs site, the codes are shown in section h3 tags. So to quickly get the list, I ran the following code:

Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll("section h3"), 0).map(function(item){
  return item.textContent.trim();

Then copied the output and pasted it in the sources.txt file. Done!

Cool Feature

The word callback will automagically be converted into a function.


I went to each page of the node docs, and copied the functions. Then I wrote a converter to take each function and convert it to a snippet.

For Example, this line:

setTimeout(fun, delay)

Is going to get converted to:

setTimeout(${1:fun}, ${2:delay})${0}

When the word callback appears, it will convert it to the standard fun snippet.

fs.readdir(path, callback)

will become

fs.readdir(${1:path}, function(${2:args}){
  ${3:// body}


This file is cool.

It is just a line-by-line output of the node docs functions. This is the file that is raked over to generate the snippets.

Running The Build

Just run php convert.php and it will rake the sources.txt file and then write the new snippet in the snippets folder.

Everything before the first ( will be used as the filename and tab snippet.


Just add (or edit) a line in the source file. Then run php convert.php to generate the new snippets.

Why PHP?!

Well, PHP is actually pretty good at manipulating strings and writing files. Maybe at some point I will convert the converter and release it as a separate tool.


You can find the source code on github. You can also install via package control by looking for sublime-node-snippets.