Things I like about Dart (Compared to Node.js)
Things I like about Dart when compared to the Node.js ecosystem
Things I like about Dart when compared to the Node.js ecosystem
I still use Sublime Text in 2025 even after trying a lot of other editors
Use Hammerspoon to create hyper key shortcuts to automate window focus
Using Hammerspoon to create shortcuts on a number pad that can control Google Hangouts/Meet
How to improve your bug reports using the browser dev tools
How to use Hugo pipes and resources to version your service worker scripts
How to use the `when` method on database collections in Laravel to create more flexible and readable code
Use Make (Integromat) to create a nice weekly report in Slack for all the closed pull-requests in a Bitbucket repository
Use tailwindcss autocomplete classes and logic inside non-default attributes or strings
Setup a raspberry pi with php 8.1 and the latest lighttpd web server
Create a Vue form that escalates all events to the top level and supports v-model
An incredibly simple i18n (internationalization + translation) function using lodash `get` and `template` functions
Use lodash memoize with a TTL/timeout. Allows calls to be cached by time as well as argument values
Fastmod is a command line tool that can help you with large-scale codebase refactors
A Vue component that is used to create modal popups that emulate omnibar, command palette, open anywhere, or other search functions/features
A Vue component that is used to create simple switches, toggles, and show/hide experiences
Detect if a tailwind screen value matches the current window
CrossTab syncs Vuex state across same-origin tabs. Converted from storeon crosstab
StatefulURL is a Vuex plugin that can read and write the state from a query string
If you are working with server-rendered apps, using Vue slots can help you create more reusable and flexible components
A demo on how to create a section in Shopify that returns JSON and HTML
A demo on how to detect when a template is running in the Shopify theme and section builder
You can use Zapier webhooks to handle HTML form submissions - if you know how to set up your form
Use Laravel Valet for developing local WordPress multisites
Have you ever wanted to use subdomains in Laravel to control logic, locale, or other functionality? Well, this example might help.
A lambda function that provides a simple mechanism for mapping Slack slash commands to pre-built responses
An example of how to use SQL as an API instead of reaching for something like GraphQL
A Laravel Scout driver for the Sonic search tool
Function currying. If you haven't heard of it before, let me introduce you to this magical pattern that can help reduce duplicate code and improve readability
When initially developing an application or a new feature we are constantly trying to balance best practices in design with delivering a finished product.
How to use Sqlite as a cache in Laravel
How to use angular.js (v1.x) through an iframe when the iframe URL is dynamically swapped
An example project that uses nuxt.js and Firebase for simple auth (social or email/pass) and account profiles
An example project for how to use DigitalOcean Spaces with S3 tools
Over the last 7 years, I have been a part of hundreds of website projects. Here are some of the most common ways I have seen a project fail.
Have you ever wanted to write a WHERE LIKE for a query with and without spaces? Well, now you can with this trick!
A simple WordPress tutorial for adding a class to the body that represents the browser. No plugin required.
Did you know you can update a Laravel pagination with a new collection?
How to easily create a color function for printing colorized output
How to use commonjs modules as vue.js mixins and how to conditionally load mixins on a per-page-basis.
How to install the latest version of node.js on the Amazon Linux AMI
How to run and deploy golang applications inside a Docker container.
How to the new es6 template string literals to make reusable modules for templates/strings or HTML partials
How to use setlocale with LC_MONETARY in Laravel
How to use the openssl passwd without a confirm prompt
Use Nginx to set custom headers in your HTTP responses so you can serve conditional content
Don't bother paying for a SaaS that creates MySQL backups and emails them to you on a schedule, you can do this with CRON and a small script
A short script to detect if a folder contains a duplicate filename, and if it does, the filename gets a counter prepended to the front of the filename
Ever wanted to have a CSS/Stylesheet version of $.getScript? Well now you can with $.getStylesheet
Tips to get Slack to resolve the correct meta data for your website URL
How to fix the issue where Wordpress wp-content assets are throwing 500 errors
a tutorial for generating simple benchmarks using the Apache ab tool
a small tutorial for how to setup Varnish cache for a flat site running on Apache
A verbose email validation function for Lua
Create a simple JSON response using PHP
The URI you submitted has disallowed characters
A PhalconPHP completions and snippets package for Sublime Text
Take in a list of video files and generate a poster image for each one
Setup and improve the Moebius OS for the Raspberry Pi
A showcase of a Phalcon Micro App starter template that makes it easy to get started with the Phalcon micro app class
How to crop and scale an image to fit specific dimensions in Phalcon PHP
The Pyro Module Generator allows you to rapidly create modules for Pyro 2.2 and up
the kijiji logo as a vector svg file
How to import your allpasswords csv into 1password
How to connect to the Starbucks WiFi every time by using your phone.
Lico is a re-creation of the PicoCMS for PHP, but written for Luvit for Lua
Another difficult logo to find. This one is for the fun new Typeform service. Typeform allows you to create dynamic and fun forms for clients, events, and other general uses.
How to use Node.js in an AppleScript
How to copy a filepath to the clipboard in OSX
For the last year at WARPAINT Media, we have been getting assaulted with spam.
Replace a service like with your own local version that serves SVG images
How to permanently remove a file from a repo and it's history
I found using SVGs can be both amazing and extremely frustrating, so I have to share this information so no one looses their mind.
James Doyle interview by the developer social network Koding
The Kaenon logo in a vector SVG format
An example of how to use the select command in bash to pass arguments to functions
Sublime Text snippets for node, async, underscore, and lodash
simplebinder is a zero dependency one-way databinder for javascript
The Vim logo in a vector SVG format. Also includes a ICNS file for OSX.
Dark Monokai theme for the Github Atom editor
Presentation for The Alternative Cms
Randomly generate a password of specified length and then copy it to the clipboard
PHP websocket chat application example
All About PhileCMS Video
A sprite sheet of all the font-awesome icons from version 4.0.2
groupon logo in vector svg
Chrome Reverse Geocode App
IICRC Vector Logo
Easily list the chmod numbers for all the files in a folder
Easily reverse geocode an address using the command line and the google maps API
Grunt task for running Highlight.js over files or blocks of code
Functions to encrypt and then decrypt files from the command line with OpenSSL
Download and unzip the latest Wordpress version, all via command line
How to setup PHPMailer on a HostMonster hosting server
How to use GoDaddy Email on Digital Ocean
Github Wiki To HTML
Phile is flat-file CMS based on Pico
Google Drive Flat SVG Logo
Docracy logo in vector svg
Assemble for Grunt.js Starter template
I created a plugin to force files to download in PicoCMS
compare multiple md5 hashes
A plugin for pico that allows you to list the useragent
Grunt Sundown
Simple HTML5 Notifications
Render PHP File With Data
Pyro Twitter Widget
I wrote another small plugin for PicoCMS that actually lets you load files based on the filename
Markdown Logo Vector SVG
CMS Watch List
I wrote a post on WARPAINT Media about people who ask about getting a website for $100.
Kube in Styl/Rework
a plugin for Pico that allows you to create a Slider
The NPM logo as a SVG
Apax apache theme in htdocs
Adding Disqus Comments to the website
Pyro Github Markdown Field Type
A plugin for PyroCMS that allows UA Sniffing
I created a plugin for rework that allows you to do simple math
A package for rework that allows a shade function
grunt terminal-notifier setup
NudeProject - a starting point for simple websites
Detect Animation Events in Javascript
All the Startup Canada SVG logos
CrunchBase SVG logo
Modernizr SVG Fallback to PNG
I have been complaining about the lack of themes for google forms for a while now. I finally decided to stop crying and do something
salt.js is micro DOM selector library. Minified, it comes in at 255 bytes
CSS3 badge logo in SVG
Another redesign. This one is completely by me, with a little help from the html5blank Wordpress template. I am using SVGs exclusively.
AngularJS Hangout - Promises Promises
Switching to SVG for all images on my website
A module for Pyro CMS that wraps up the Swipe.js Module
PyroCMS Module Generator that can generate modules for pyrocms
My old Grey Nimbus website
jQuery Plugin Snippets for Sublime Text 2
A field for Pyro CMS that allows you to select images from your uploads
A list of all the ways you can put PHP Variables in strings
A field for Pyrocms that allows you to create little blurbs in a list
Canadian Provinces Field
Git Website Workflow
PyroCMS PageWidgets Field Type
Clean CSS Chrome app Updated
A field for Pyro CMS that allows the creation of Lists
A widget for Pyro CMS for creating Image sections
Create a drag and drop list with Zepto
Making a app and how works
So my chrome app Clean CSS made it onto one of the Chrome Apps Office Hours.
View Folder Tree in MacOSX Terminal
Check out my new business cards
A demo of CSS Flexbox
WYSIWYG in PyroCMS Widgets
Create the Letterpress loader in CSS
Download and install Source Code Pro on Sublime Text
How to create Array.prototype.range in Javascript
Use Generated Content in CSS to show an Article link in plain text
Build an Accordion with just CSS and no Javascript
Create a Dancing Music Bar animation in CSS and SVG
zsh new file && open file function
Target Mozilla-only in CSS
See my old website
Create a Date Card using CSS transitions, animations, and gradients
Create a Pagebend effect using CSS
nodelist.prototype.each in javascript
James Doyle runner up in Mozilla Dev Derby September 2012
Create a No-Js Image Preview with only CSS
Styling Radios and Checkboxes. Redux.
WordPress Plugin Swipe.js
Making Checkboxes in WordPress options pages
Styling inputs can be pretty annoying. I donโt think I really have any consistent way of making custom inputs
How to use Generated content in CSS
How to flash jelly bean onto a nexus s